Sandstone Platinum
Platinum is a sandstone that has been sawn to create squared cut edges and honed to give a smooth surface finish. Platinum’s grey palette can weather to reveal brown and buff tones.
Product Thickness
Weight Per
Pack (kg)
Coverage Per
Pack (m2)
No. Pieces
Per Pack
Meter.Inc VAT.
PerPack. Inc VAT.
Calibrated Linear Project Pack 20 1100 19.46 24 (600x600m)
35 (600x300mm)
34 (300x300mm)
£42.50 £827.05 1200x600mm Grande Calibrated Single Size 25 950 14.4 20 £45.00 £648.00 1200x150mm Linear Calibrated Single Size 25 720 12 66 £44.00 £528.00 900x600mm Calibrated Single Size 20 1100 18 32 £42.50 £765.00